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"My husband was in the service. I was pregnant with my first child. My mom was so worried that when I went into labor the ferry wouldn't be there to take me across to the hospital.  But it was. and I rode the ferry across the river in labor to have my first child in the Sistersville Hospital."

"The ferry boat captain lived in a trailer on the banks of the river a little ways down from the boat.  Sometimes people would yell across the river at him if they had an emergency.  I had an very bad accident, my foot was cut and bleeding badly.  We yelled across the river.  The pilot heard us, got in the boat, came to the Ohio side, picked us up and took us back across the river to the Sistersville Hospital. It would have been a thirty mile drive otherwise."

 "My stepdad used to pilot the boat.  We would grill hotdogs in the pilot house. Sometimes we'd share with passengers.  We also jumped off the boat and swam in the river in those days."

"The boat ran all hours so workers who worked at various manufacturing plants could get across the river to go to work no matter what shift they worked".

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